Wednesday, November 10, 2010

We're on the move...

It's been a ridiculously long time since we posted on here last, so thought I'd give it a quick shot this time.

We've finally secured a house in Adelaide, which is a huge relief with our removal only weeks away. We arrive in SA just in time for all the craziness that comes along with Christmas, and hoping the presents for us to give out will arrive the day before Christmas not several days after.

So much has happened in the world of Harrison in the last six months that I don't really know what to write... He has started using more simple language, sometimes stringing a few words (or signs) together to get his point across, and is learning new words all the time. He can be very cheeky (can't imagine where he gets that from), throwing his arms in the air and saying 'Batman', or standing with his arms and legs out wide and crying 'Ta-Da!'. The little guy is also becoming very independent, wanting to put on his own socks & shoes and helping us to dress him, brush his teeth and change his nappy.

The other big news with Harrison is that he is going to be a big brother! I'm due 19 May 2011, so we are about 4 months in already. Very exciting times for us all, although I'm pretty sure Harry has no idea what's going on. He says 'baby', has learnt the sign & points them out in the shopping centre though so it won't be long 'til he catches on.

Chances are you won't here from us again, on here at least, until the new year so we wish you & your families all the very best for a safe & enjoyable festive season.

Merry Christmas
Becs Xoxo

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